When All Hell Breaks Loose!

By Reign Jones, Kansas City, Kansas

All I wanted was to be left alone and finally get some peace… that’s when all hell broke loose. As I woke up on January 12, 2023, I didn’t know what it was but there was no peace. As the morning progressed life began to happen. The children were working on my last nerves and not hearing me. This particular week God had been dealing with me in my heart. I realized that it had an issue. And like many other times I began to complain and fuss. As I did, my youngest daughter informed me that she did not care because her dad was in the hospital fighting for his life.

My heart issue said one thing, but my heartbeat said another. In the process I knew prayer was needed. Prayer because my thoughts were not good, but I was concerned about my baby girl. She needed me. It was a must that I be there for her. I called my sister and asked her to pray for me. It’s funny because she was not my first choice. But she ended up being the one that answered. After she prayed, I knew I had to confront my hell.

What do I mean by that, you may be asking? Well, I had anger and hurt of past offenses done to me by my babies’ daddy. As I write these letters, I am reminded how I said I wanted the letters to help and heal someone else. Boy oh boy, who knew what I had to go through. I went to Love on Faith, which is my baby girl’s name, and she began to weep and pour out her feelings. I had to remind her that she had to tap into her faith if she wanted to see a miracle.

Now, let me say, there’s a reason her name is Faith, but that is another chapter. I began to explain to Faith that faith is a hope and evidence you cannot see. I told her, if she wanted her dad to pull through, she needed to pray and trust God. Because, at this point, it was not looking good.

So, we touched and agreed in prayer. God heard the prayer, and her dad is alive and getting well. Six months later, June 8, 2023, Faith was being tried. On May 12, 2023, Faith was challenged again and found out she was 30 weeks pregnant. She began to have severe pain in her stomach. In short, we ended up going to the ER. After checking in, the doctor came to us and said she was going to have to deliver the baby. Not only would she deliver at 30 weeks, but it would also be by cesarean section.

At this time so many thoughts ran through my mind. One thought was, “Is there another way?” As I was told “NO!” all I could do was remain calm and pray. The doctor explained that the bag had torn, and the placenta began to separate and detach itself. This put mom and baby at risk. Mind you, the baby was not due until June 14th. She was born two months early. I felt the feeling of fear.

The baby came and the mom did great. No surgeries, minor setbacks and the baby is growing like she should. The baby was in NICU for a month and a couple of weeks. Talking about hell, my God! Faith over fear won again! Love (the baby’s name) is home with mom, and they are both continuing to grow together and no longer are apart. God is so faithful. We just must believe and speak His Word!

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